Updated: 06/15/2023
All Current Season/year customers have Until October 31st of the current Calendar Year (CY) to Reserve their specific week for the next season. This is standard operational policy that I provide to all of my customers. Note that I do not remind or followup with folks of this policy and assume if you do NOT reserve then you may more than likely have other plans for your next season.
Should you not reserve by this date then I enable all new customers and also existing customers wishing to change/alter their week to reserve the available weeks. Should you indicate a wish to alter your week/dates then you can let me know in email and you will be wait listed with priority to book that desired week should the current customers decide not to book by the September 30th window.
Should you decide to cancel your reservation(s) wihout sufficient notice then you will forfeit all exlcusivity benefits for future reservations.
I accept the following payment methods: Personal Check( US customers only) , Money Order, Bank Check, and PayPal. Contact me for PayPal information/account/invoicing. When utilizing Paypal the customer will be required to be responsible for any and all PayPal commissions( 2.9% US, 3.9% Foreign). Please contact me for my Paypal or Mailing address information once you have decided with certainty which week and which property you plan to reserve.
Reservations are basically confirmed in full once "reservation" payment has been fully processed and cleared. This basic policy eliminates the phony deposit check scams(aka Nigeria Scams) that exist on the network. If you deposit and wish to cancel then the return funds will be sent back within 30 days after the original deposits have fully cleared.
During Season( June-September) only weekly reservations are accepted and all weekly reservations run from Saturday to Saturday.
For the Condo a $500.00 (refundable per terms below) reservation deposit is required to reserve your desired week on the seasonal calendar.
For the Cottage a $400.00 (refundable per terms below) reservation deposit is required to reserve your desired week on the seasonal calendar.
I require full payment for either property within 120 days prior to the actual stay. I typically send out an email reminder with balance details between 90-120 days . I am not a stickler for exacting dates in policy but if we enter a period of 60-90 days and payment terms are not being met or I don't hear from you despite notices being sent I will reserve the right to "re-advertise" and re-market the week at a discounted rate. It is a short rental season at OOB and to ensure 100% bookings requires a tight and stringent reservation and payment policy.
Note that my cancellation policy is strictly adhered to due to the very short rental season market( 10 week season). If I can rent for the full amount when and if a cancellation is indicated then I generally would refund the deposit but with less time remaining odds are that I can't rent for the full market amount and must therefore provide a discount as most folks have generally already booked their vacations for the season.
My refund policy for ALL seasonal rentals is as follows: 120 days or greater cancellation notice: 100% refundable
When less than 120 days cancelation notice: If I can re-market the cancellation week then I will refund (Up to 30 days B4 the actual reservation start date ) 50% of the reservation deposit .
*** Less than 90 days: 0% refundable or the net difference between what I can market the rental for - The shorter the cancellation notice the less chance of re-marketing the summer week.***
NOTE: ***. If I'm able to re-market the week at or near the full price (or DISCOUNTED) I would refund the difference between what I was able to market the unit week at . That market price is normally determined by the window of opportunity remaining to market the availability as most folks have already planned out their vacations for the season. The more advanced notice I have with any cancellations then it is more than likely I can recover the rental week closer to or at the original market pricing.